When I created this page, I was a lot more active in swaps. I still love trading beads, but I'm just not very organized—even about participating, let alone running bead swaps. And since then, I've had the opportunity to photograph some wonderful things, either because the artists wanted jury slides or records of their work, or sometimes simply because I wanted a record of their work.
I've felt very honored to have the opportunity to share these with you.
Please note: these designs are copyright, with all rights reserved, by their respective creators.

Jeannie Galt's delightful raked dot beads, 3rd in a series about 3 blue focals I traded or used. 09may2018

I shoot two artist's work regularly: my own, and Kristin Perkins'. While both of us use opaque accents in our beads, we tend to emphasize transparency. Kristin adds another layer of complication (from the photographer's point of view) with the highly polished silver in which she sets her beads: ...

Ever so slowly I am becoming more comfortable shooting with flash. Oh, and Cindi B's beads feature some very nice scrolling. 11mar2016

Stevi Belle's beautiful vessel is the inspiration for the Evil Queen/Commando Jan 2014 CiM focal challenge. 20nov2023

Anita promised me this gorgeous floral in trade if it didn't sell at the spring09 boner—and lucky me, it didn't. Originally posted 29apr09. 29apr2009

One of the Friday night icebreakers at the 2009 glassact retreat was to make this beadsoup necklace . Originally posted 04apr09. 08apr2009

Ona Sostakas traded 4 of these wonderful gravity swirl beads at the 2008 winter wonders show. Originally posted 2nov08. 02nov2008

This is the second time I've featured Nita Van Til, who notes that a rock I found on the beach inspired me to make `rock' beads. . Originally posted 18oct08. 18oct2008

This 2007 xmas prezzie was from GlassAct's annual secret santa trade . Originally posted 04jun08. 04jun2008

Rita Stucke has recently developed this wonderful series that contrasts the precision of molds with the organic quality of freely applied shards. This latest variation of using all clear colors into the mix to show off transparency of glass for a real winner. Originally posted 25feb07 02mar2007

Chinese carved beads. Originally posted 14oct06. I cannot name the artisans, unfortunately, but they're beautiful and obviously hand made nonetheless. 13oct2006

Kristin Perkins , silver smith and glass beader, makes a retro line with clean line and clear colors. file created & added 25jun06 25jun2006

This used to be the swap page, but now indexes various other artists' beautiful beads, whether I've actually traded for them. 25jun2006

I have several really lovely trades from Gathering this year, but so far, Kim Fields' are the only ones I've managed to document , and my photography is less than stellar. But her work is so beautiful, I figure, better imperfect than never....file added 9sep05 09sep2005

Some old beads in an early style . file originally created 3jun05; my beads photographed dec 03; posted 07jun05 07jun2005

Trades from Gathering 2004, in Portland OR, including the mystery bead—if this is your bead, please let me know, so I can credit you! (posted 03mar05) 03mar2005

One of the easiest way to obtain wonderful beads is by trading for them. These five beads were the ones I received in Laura Brito's `Big Bead exchange'. I hope every one who received my beads is enjoying them just as much. Perhaps the biggest difference between these beads and the ones I typical...

These beads are by Peggy Prielozny, my First Teacher. As of mid-2005 she's back to making beads with a vengeance. Go Peggy! 22may2004

I had several goals in making these beads. One was to meet the parameters of the exchange, which specified pastel florals in a bracelet sized bead. As exchange co-ordinator, I suggested yellow and violet for those wanting a more specific color range, just because so many early spring flowers are ...

Kim Fields bead: an in-focus version of the demo bead she made for glassact251 . August 2002. 22may2004

Lisa Walsh of Abednego Beads trades one of her Holly beads at the 2002 October Bead Boner. 22may2004
file updated 25jun06; chinese link added & peggy moved 14oct06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn