How about a howto for navigating this beast of a site? There are actual tools! Here are some tips for getting the most of out of
- You can click on almost all images to get the full-rez version. Particularly since the wizard automated downsizing to the 512 pixel size, I recommend this, as the artifacts in the default image can get pretty ugly.
- If you scroll down to the bottom of any page (excepting the home page) there's a query box for putting in a (sorry, only one) search term.
- The site now supports tagging. If none of the tags on the particular page appeal, click on the tags link to get a full list (e.g. 2015, green, stripey, glassbead, etc) —this may be a good way to find a page that's deeply buried. It's usually what I use, but there's also
- Next to the tags link is an index link, which will give a page listing all the index pages.
My email is still my, but it gets so much spam you can put rejiquar (as the name) for my gmail account; I may be more likely to see that.
Also, text colors on the main page are confusing:
- new, unclicked links are spring green; turn olive when hovered, and blue-violet once clicked.
- Titles (underlining) are more of an aqua blue
- Emphasized text (italics/bold) are yellow green.
Which means it's difficult to tell, sometimes, whether something is an emphasis/title, or a link. (The bulk of the pages have the blue for new/purple for clicked links, at least, and the italics and titles render as italics, but in the black color. Not as cool, but easier to parse.) The other is bad design on my part. Sorry about that!
And yes, I still accept commissions on nearly everything I make. I'm not terribly fast, but I am careful (particularly of longevity/archival issues) and make interpreting the client's idea a top priority.
Hope this helps/Please enjoy the site[1]
new index created 05jan10. update above, 20aug15

So my neighbour gave me her collection of ribbons, tissue paper and other goodies, presumeably on the advice of her friend who was helping her pare down a house's worth of belongings to a room, and also because—after all—if she needs any such, she merely has to walk a 100 yards or less to take ...

Notes from the kumi class I took with Tada-sensai. Incomplete & hard to read; mostly for the benefit of other folks in the class, whom I hope will find them useful. 04may2014

detail construction notes for making the omiyage `conpaito' bag using sewing machine (& cotton fabric, which is much stiffer than silk). 15oct2015

A series of large hollow pressed focal with pressed daisy motif, made with pi glass . Originally posted 07apr09. 07apr2009

Updated documentation on my favorite layout, twisted diamond for my one of my very favorite braids, keiruko no himo. Originally posted 12nov08. 12nov2008

Kids are natural designers, as this page demonstrates when several of my nieces and nephews had a post-holiday stringing party. Originally posted 28dec06. 28dec2006

abstracta howto . created 27nov06; add'l material, primarily intro, 9jan07. NB: as of 2020, needs major editing to remove t/l/d formatting, and editing of images (blurring backgrounds) 09jan2007

Artist's statements , oh how thrilling, of three lengths and vintages, and if you manage to survive those, a working methods as well. 18oct2006

FAQ . Includes some guff about how to
buy stuff, plus boring as hell marginally more interesting info like
the origin & pronounciation of the company name. Here's the page for
specifics on purchasing the orange curliQ
beads featured in the Oct03
Beadwork Mag, woefully out of date, but left h...

I've updated the stringing howtos link to reflect the fact that at some point in time I collected the various posts, some of which used to be listed below, together on their own page. Scattershot to be sure, but at least there are now instructions for making bead curtain strands . Updated 0...

Since I'm not trying to copy anything—marble, malachite, woodgrain, even cracked and crumbling plaster (we have that for real—no faux needed!) my approach for painting walls using multiple layers and a lambswool roller is not, strictly speaking `faux painting'. But that's what people typically...

Just the one bead , but includes a shot of the setup used to photograph it, too. (posted 17dec03) 22may2004

Basic (text-only) instruction for making a pysanky stylus. Picture of the finished product only, sorry. 22may2004
[1]The latter is, translated, how I believe one might typically render the sentiment in Nihongo, i.e. Japanese:)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn