The reason I've never bothered with an explicit howto page for beadwork other than making glass beads is that I really only have one post worthy of the name. The rest are merely ruminations on my working methods, which probably aren't going to be of much interest to beginners because there's so little step-by-step, nor to advanced beadworkers because they'll've long since worked out their own philosophical ideas.
However, it's extremely embarressing to have to rootle around in your own site to find your own posts, and after an email inquiring about my methods, I decided to collect all the posts together that could be said to have as a major thrust technique and/or design. So here they are, in all their (in)glory.

Collects together the tassel necklace pages. Oh, and updates the pink satake tassel necklace page, which was a mess. 10apr2014

Cobalt 3 hole floral pixie pressed lentil is the focal for a tassel necklace with strong color banding. 02apr2014

Index page to the most popular item on my site—with tuts, samples, commissions, and the 2.0 version. Enjoy. 18oct2006

an index page for 2–>1 necklaces, with a text explanation of design parameters & tips (not a full howto) for making your own. 22may2004

This post is in two parts : one, an (unillustrated, sorry) set of directions for basic knotting; and two, how to attach a clasp using bead tips. Why do those two get concatenated? Well, because unless I'm knotting, I never use bead tips and thread to string. 22may2004

This collection of tips and tricks dates back a decade and more, back when I mostly strung stone beads. Very dated, but perhaps some good nuggets here and there. 22may2004
file created 03dec05
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn