Yeah, well, I get excited pretty easily. I've messed about with both since I was very small, and they remain major interests, particularly beadwork and embroidery. Someday I might actually learn to sew, though it would certainly help if I were more interested in clothes.

collection of wonderful temari, lovingly documented by a grandchild by a woman now in her late 80s, who took the craft up in her 60s. 04sep2015

This pouch features glass beads, embroidery, fabric dying and sewing by me; its semiprecious accent beads co-ordinate with the rosary (restrung by me...) it's designed to hold. 24aug2015

detail construction notes for making the omiyage `conpaito' bag using sewing machine (& cotton fabric, which is much stiffer than silk). 15oct2015

Summer-weight pants that I sewed and then dyed. This is a sub-index for my other posts on complex-cloth style dyed clothing. Originally posted 21apr09. 21apr2009

Post about my adventures making my second pair of socks . Includes photos of my first overdyed pants as well. Originally posted 20feb09. 20feb2009

These embroidered stockings are—surprise—in the Embroidery section of the site, but as they are a holiday craft as well, I've posted them here, too. Enjoy. Initial post 11feb05, last updated 23jan2014 24jan2014

My friend Posy has finally convinced taught me how to make
socks . Originally posted 07nov08. 07nov2008

This drawstring bag and figurine ensemble features a foam-card woven 16 strand diamond patterned kongo braid . Originally posted 19jun08. 19jun2008

I'd never even heard of felted soap until I learned how to make this with my friend Bethany. Orignally posted 16jan08. 16jan2008

This index page collects my posts on kumihimo (Japanese style braiding on a marudai, or round stool, with tama/bobbins) and other braids. 23aug2005
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn