I like figuring out ways to fancy up stuff. (Too bad most stuff looks better plain–think about the beauty of an ax handle, or a shaker box, or a Mission Style dresser. But those of us without the gift for simplifying have to rely upon other methods for trying to beautify our surroundings.)
Below I give examples of two crafts I adapted, or developed, which allow me to give ephemeral gifts. As I get older and older and have more and more stuff (or junk) my appreciation for fleeting gifts, in which truly the thought counts most, grows.
file updated 18apr06, stollen link added 05may06, childcraft 9apr08

These embroidered stockings are—surprise—in the Embroidery section of the site, but as they are a holiday craft as well, I've posted them here, too. Enjoy. Initial post 11feb05, last updated 23jan2014 24jan2014

Many years ago I decorated this box with costume jewelry components, going for a rich, encrusted look . Originally posted 03dec08. 03dec2008

With this cocoa tin, I've started on collages, what we now call mixed media, . Originally posted 13nov08. 13nov2008

Another of my infamous quick'n'dirty just-before-the-recipient-showed-up wrap jobs collects all the floral-themed giftwrap pages. Wrapped & photo'ed 13may, post 14may08. 14may2008

the f2 generation's forays into the (visual) arts. Directory created 9apr08; first 2 posts of works from 2005 & 2006. 09apr2008

Decorative macrame board, by Kathleen Robinson (with more silk flowers added by sylvus tarn). Originally posted 1apr08. 01apr2008

My old pysanky index page was created in 2006, with a bit of background of how I began making edible easter eggs. 01may2012

Inexpensive tassels substitute for the more traditional `whole house' holiday decorations. Collects holiday craft indices. 15jan2006
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn