But tin sounds so much better, doesn't it? In fact, it's precisely because this container is a metallicized cardboard box that I started with it: I could easily glue my bits and pieces to the surface. Metal is a little more demanding of its adhesives.

3-3/8" x 5-5/16. 2008. paper—stamps, teabag wrappers, plastic rice cracker wrapper, glue, candy foils, marker.[1]
After tearing off the surface advertising, (well, and cleaning the interior) I used a glue stick to glue assorted visually interesting things, then calligraphed the words coffee/tea/chocolate (3 popular hot beverages that I do in fact drink, and two of which, at least, I figured could be stored inside) to give a more unified all-over surface. I didn't really consider it finished, exactly —I wanted to do some gold stamping, and mebbe some painting—but then I had some cocoa I needed to store, and voila, it was done.
I have bagsful of cocoa and tea boxes I've saved to make cool things out of. I've wanted to do this for years. And, I figure I can sell ’em on etsy (since I don't really need twenty cocoa tins, though tea is another story...I myself pretty much drink genmaicha exclusively, but other members of the household prefer some variation, and of course, there are always guests;)
In effect, I suppose it's a cross between giftwrapping and drawing/painting...
photo 12nov, file 13nov08. added mixedmedia & 2008 tags, 30jun23

I've alluded to a callig souvenir set from Italy in prior posts; this is the (bottom half of the) box in which it arrived. The box was decently made, and very much in the proportions ideal for necklaces, but the liner paper in bottom half of the box was damaged when I ripped out a cardboard i...

Many years ago I decorated this box with costume jewelry components, going for a rich, encrusted look . Originally posted 03dec08. 03dec2008

With this cocoa tin, I've started on collages, what we now call mixed media, . Originally posted 13nov08. 13nov2008
[1]Since this was so tall, I ganged the photos together. They looked mediocre (and this was the third attempt) before, and now they look even worse, but it's beginner photography to go with beginner collage. Both will improve with time, I'm sure.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn