This work is mostly organized by colour, with Japanese packaging providing a secondary theme for the inner cover of a 2020 appointment diary kindly given me by one of f2tY's friends, who knew I wanted used ones, but of course you don't give people used things for gifts!

Ephemera, stickers, bottle cap, rivets, glue. approximately 5.5 x 8.25" cover of appt book/sketchbook, photographed 18aug2020
But her kindly intentions are very much part of the book's value, and I refer to those with a sticker written my dearest and oldest friend. That friend, Page, is being literal with the hearts and stars—the (used:) box[1] was labelled to show that it not only had round beads, but hearts and stars as well.
Though there's no drawing I'm very happy with the way this piece came out.
[1]I very much wanted!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn