I liked the map on a jar of honey I emptied yesterday while making muffins, so I peeled it off and saved, and —just this once!—actually immediately incorporated it into a sketchbook page the same day.

Japanese appt diary, label, insert, decorative papers, markers, watercolour and technical pens. 17 Aug 2020. photographed lumix LX100 18aug 2020; transform, crop and colour adjustments. Click on the images for a sharp, full-size resolution.
The first image shows more or less where I left off yesterday, but after I photographed it, I realized I'd forgotten to rivet the foil onto the piece.

Foil and rivet, plus additional drawing, 18aug 2020. photographed lumix LX100 18aug 2020; transform, crop and colour adjustments. Each page is roughly 5.5 x 8.25"
So I did that.
There's some subtle personal symbolism going on—I ordered a new set of microns when Fran came to visit, because I thought my old ones were drying up, and also to celebrate her visit, which along with the new art supplies represent my now attenuated ties to the outside world.
The foil is from a silver? medicated bandage my mom needed while we were on a bike trip in 2017. Almost buried is one of those chinese fortune cookie slip that says:
Stop waiting. Buy that ticket takes that special trip
Instead we ended up cancelling our trip to see my mom this year, because of covid; we're hoping to redeem the tickets at some point in the future, when it becomes safe to travel again. The Frantz receipt (now that it's entered into the computer) got even more buried—the glass has been sitting on my table for months, because I've turned on the torch so seldom. (At some point I'm gonna have to start doing real work again, instead of these endless, mindless doodles...)
I added the bee and the stamp on the left to help it co-ordinate better with the page on the left, but I actually think as a design itself it worked better before; otoh, adding the black transitional elements on the right page elped, I think.
I did not extend the ink work to trying to reproduce the drawing style of the antique map, which was sort of the point of the saving the label. Oh well....
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn