I was given a big stack of old stationery, with a good tooth and high rag content, and f2tE hit upon the idea of making journals for our NYC visit to my ‘glass daughter’ Frances. I had some old xmas cards on that celebration card stock[1] which I folded design-inside and glued to make covers. The wizard kindly drilled the paper with a drill press, using two boards to hold everything in place; then I used some old nylon thread probably originally acquired for micro macrame to do a Japanese stab binding.
I bound in a ribbon book mark, and since Frances has all kinds of art supplies—including glue—merrily pasted in assorted ephemera, as for example my ticket from the AMNH and part of a bag from a coffee shop (we visited a lot of coffee shops.)
We also visited some art and office supply stores, and I loved the stamp this one had—it brought back happy memories of stamping our ‘train passport’ in Japan at various stations.

Mixed media—museum ticket, paper goods from a coffee shop. If you look very closely you can just barely see the address of the original stationery.
This was a super fun project but I haven't, alas, been able to keep up with it since I got home—it's very time-consuming to do these sorts of journals.
[1]It's got colour flecks in it...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn