A couple of someones have been very helpful to a friend of mine and me, and I wanted to show my appreciation. I couldn't do much for the fellow, but the lady in question admired a certain necklace, a big dramatic piece that I felt worked well, but have never really garnered all that much attention from anyone else. So I decided to give it to her, and when she called to tell me she was perhaps 20 minutes away, I needed to do one of my quickie wrapping jobs (because actually getting off my butt and doing it the night before would've been way too logical.)
I found a box I'd painted white, and a piece of transparent plastic printed with a pink and green floral theme—possibly save from a bouquet or something. It didn't cover the box, but since it was transparent, I just taped it on in sort of a diagonal pattern.
Then I taped a rather tatty piece of wide pink ribbon (probably also from a bouquet), a matching bow, and some curling ribbon, trapping the silk fuschia between the bow and mound of curling ribbon. The green ribbon is wire-edged, a gift from my sister, and I just threaded it through. So things weren't tacked very hard.
Then, since my rhododendron bush was in bloom, I photographed the gift using the matching flowers as a backdrop. The recipient liked it enough to take the box and wrappings with her, so I was very pleased.
giftwrap & photo, 13may, file created 14may08.

a bit of image editing rescuses this garden/bouquet style silk flower gift wrap, made in Jul2014 13dec2018

Another of my infamous quick'n'dirty just-before-the-recipient-showed-up wrap jobs collects all the floral-themed giftwrap pages. Wrapped & photo'ed 13may, post 14may08. 14may2008

Even just two or three minutes can improve upon simply handing a present over in the plastic the store clerk dropped it into. 02may05 05may2005
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn