The two wedding gifts depicted below are so similar that I didn't realize at first they weren't shots of the same gift. The beautiful metallic blue, violet and green paper I salvaged from one brother's wedding and saved for a long time because I didn't have the appropriate blue accents. Over the years, however, I finally collected enough blue bows, as well as green and violet items, to use the paper.
These examples continue the “garden” style wrapping, which have strong vertical accents (in some cases taller than the box upon which they sit!) As is typical for me, nearly everything is salvaged, trashpicked or bought cheaply at garage sales (the peacock feathers were 50 cents for the bunch)
Not everyone approves of my ferocious use of recycling, but I find using stuff no-one values very much to be very freeing; not just for me as creator—so what if it comes out horribly—but for the recipients as well: they're free to enjoy the transitory nature of the wrapping, and throw it away.

Materials & Techiques: paper (not silk) hydrangias, mylar wrapped wire xmas garlanding, assorted ribbons & bows. Adhesives: hot glue & tape.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn