Because I'm lazy, I scavenged decorations left over to be put away from, um, last winter in piles on a work table, including the sunflower decoration from the giftwrap featured yesterday; wallpaper scavenged from a neighbor's house; and a delightfully textured piece of brown paper that originally served as cushioning material for today's offering.

lumix 100LX, 1/60s, f2.7 +0.3ev ISO 1600 (whoops, that was on auto...) Wallpaper, packing paper, silk flowers, pine cones, fabric, flocked and curling ribbon, bows, plasticized snowflake.
The wizard and I have a friend who grew up in Colorado, who loves the pines and the mountains he hiked in growing up. He's been helping with grocery shopping and the like[1] and I wanted to do something special; so, since he likes coffee, we got him a coffee grinder. Bonus, compared to many gifts (i.e. beads) the box enclosing it is fairly large, say 10x16x8 inches or so—lots of real estate to decorate:)[2]
The gold and olive green colour scheme of the wallpaper was perfectly appropriate, plus I liked the idea of layering the paper, kind of like the way dirt, fallen leaves and low-growing plants are layered on the ground. (While I was painting the aforementioned stargazer lilies I actualy sat still enough for little voles to pop up around me, but what they mostly like to do is tunnel between the soil and everything that just sits atop it—perhaps this inspired me;)
In any event I added the extra paper laying around as a sort of ‘outer robe’ with the underlayer of patterned paper peaking through, which I hoped would make unwrapping the gift more interesting.
I wanted to emphasize greens and browns of mountainous western forests during summer, hence the browns and brownish greens of foliage, the floral golds[3] the blue skies and water...and wouldn't you know it, I had all those colours sitting on the table waiting to be properly stored. Why not rationalize my laziness justify limiting decors to the unput-away stuff as a creative parameter um, save steps and just put it right back on another gift?
So that's exactly what I did:)[4]
[1]Neither of us have stepped inside a shop for over four months, when the COVID locked down. I will be so happy when this aside is a softened memory of a distant time...
[2]Also it's pretty unusual for me to give gifts still in their original packaging, which can be kind of fun, because, knowing my habits, recipients of my gifts are generally rather dubious as to whether the box actually holds what it advertises. Yet another level of pretty harmless fun;)
[3]Those ‘DYC's’ —damn yellow composites, the bane, my mother tells me of her fellow hikers attempting to ID these things on their walks amongst wildnerness 6000-9000 feet up out west...
[4]And the recipient is the second person to drape the decorations atop his head, like a hat. I wish the internet wasn't so evil, so I could share pics...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn