The subhead, btw, is a quote by Lois McMaster Bujold, and is a reference to one's relationships—specifically, one's family. Seems apropos for a wedding, especially when one both of the brides is are a field biologist![1]
F2tE came by with a gift that fit perfectly lengthwise into this box, which I find very satisfying; and I have to say, once I located the fish-skeleton paper—perfect for a biologist—the gift wrap came together quickly and easily: I owe my friend Page for the paper (and the splendid gold ribbon), Kim W for the copper ribbon, I think my youngest sib for the gold leaf/green ribbon...?

Giftwrap, 15nov24. Box is approximately[2] 6-3/4" x 10-1/4"; paper, raffia, curling, and wire edged ribbons; pine cone, sand dollar, silk flowers; tape & hot glue. PP6, f/3.5, ev 0 (er, not really, I adjusted it on the camera app to make it—I'm guessing—roughly 1/2 stop darker, but it's not showing up in exif data), 1/90s ISO 46. Cropped & Color balance slightly warmed up in gimp
A pine cone and silk flowers sitting on the extremely messy wrapping table, plus a sand dollar emphasized the biological theme. Matching copper bows for the ribbon, and the bulk of the green curling ribbon failed to make the cut, much as I wanted to include them. Sometimes I do manage to restrain myself.

A second view: the sand dollar and some rather recalcitrant green curling paper that wouldn't curl properly show better in this less angled styling.
It's always nice when these projects just flow.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn