Yep, I found that big gorgeous yellow flower on a trash heap. It's amazing, it truly is, what people throw away. Now, if only they would throw all the truly trashy stuff–old auto tires, junk food wrappers, abestos (!), broken crates etc, into trash receptacles or even heaps in front of their own dwellings (instead the streets, sidewalks, empty lots and others’ property) this part of the city would look more like the rather attractive neighborhood it is instead of a local dump. But I digress.
This giftwrap could be called “Flower Pot”, because the pink outer foil I wrapped the gift in actually is a high grade floral foil, light green on the outside. Carrying the conceit further, one could imagine the kelly green inner wrapping paper representative of floral foam.
Friends are great for this hobby too: I have my friend Deb to thank for the silk spiderplant leaves and fuscia flowers. The extremely large focal point forced me to simplify and reduce the rest of the gewgaws: good discipline.

Silk flowers, floral foil, metallic wrapping paper, curling ribbon. Used a ribbon ripper for the fine green threads, hot glue, and, I suspect, plenty of tape.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn