I made a serendipitous shot of these three rings together. The focus was just a little off, so of course it took me another 30 tries or so to recapture that careless success. F/2, 1/60s, +0.7ev. Olympus zuiko 50mm fixed length macro
Ona told me this was probably one of her earlier efforts, with more than a little serendipity happening in its creation. For example, the dots have a slight cushion or bun shape she finds particularly appealing. She felt the initial gold fuming was too much, so she burnt some of the gold back off again. The rough surface on the black base glass comes from silver leaf.

group of three. The smallest is made with baking soda. Not certain whether the dots are fumed, or have gold leaf applique.
I myself particularly liked the antique feel of these beads, having done something similar with my ‘roman glass’ series of antique curliQs. Hers, however, have the lovely contrast between the shiny golden glassy dots and rough base, which I think takes the concept to another whole level.
added tag, 21nov17
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Sylvus Tarn