I had two wonderful vendors on either side of me for the last Bead Boner: Green Girl Studios (hand cast pewter) on the right, and Lisa Walsh of Abednego Beads on the left. (Btw, Abednego, unlike Rejiquar, is a real word, though unfamiliar to enough people, including yours truly that the flameworker has an explanation on her website.) These holly decorated beads were extremely popular, so I was delighted when she consented to trade one. I was very impressed by the consistancy of them all. This was one of the longer ones. I just love those so-sharp points on the holly leaves, because as anyone who's actually ever owned a holly bush knows, they're pricky!
Here's a close up:

Unfortunately my camera doesn't really do the green and reds justice.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn