This piece is a collaboration, which is why it's in the glass bead section: I made the large glass focal, but Page Brunner designed and strung the necklace.

d ichro, swarovski crystal, czech vintage & crystal, bali silver, amethyst, black onyx, garnet, faceted blue agate? Photographed 19jan2004; re-exported at full size, cropped & rotated, 17jan2020. Click for full-size
This image is one in which I posed the accent bead, which is a flattened oval, by positioning handi-tac underneath it. Another option would've been to display it on a necklace stand, but I find that distracting, preferring to use a perfectly plain background.

The beads on the left side of the image are poorly positioned, making it difficult to tell where the focal bead ends and the necklace begins. Bad or confusing composition like this should be avoided in jury slides. However, I probably spent about 30 seconds setting up the shot for the website—because it's so easy to reshoot later.
This piece was strung in January, 2004.
add'l tags, reimported full size version of image, photography caption, added 17jan2020
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn