In 2012—exactly a decade after the first—our guild had another holiday bead exchange using the red, white and green colour scheme. My design didn't get done in time for the official exchange, but I incorporated some spot'n’streak/abstracts anyway.

glassact xmas exchange bracelet, v. 2. sterling silver, bali silver, glass. Approx 8.5" long. Pretty sure the old-fashioned light bulb design is Candy Orow's, and the square dottie (center) is Susan Richards’, but unfortunately I don't have good documentation on the makers. photographed 18mar2020, image editing (exposure combination) 19mar2020
In fact, this exchange was supplemented with beads from Frances, as well as one I either bought or traded with Susan Matych Hager during our holiday show—the beautiful red square featuring the holly. Interestingly enough, the bead is slightly different on each side:

This side of Susan Matych Hager's holly floral shows the design proud, and is actually my favourite. photographed 18mar20, E620/zuiko prime macro, f8, 1/125th sec, lumopro manual flash.
So now I have two of these very fun bracelets, and I make it a point, usually, to wear one on each wrist when dressed up for winter holiday celebrations, such as my guild's annual December party.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn