As a favor to a really good customer, in November of 2015 I put together his collection of beads into 5 bead curtain strands. —Originally, I think he hoped to string (most if not all of) them himself, but was getting frustrated, so I offered to string them up for him at a steeply discounted rate, as a thankyou/gift.

Bead curtain strand. This piece not only includes my beads, but some of my fellow guild members. Strung November 2015, approximately 18" long. Glass, beadalon.
This piece not only includes my work but also that of Red Opal (Kierstan Kern)—that long barrel with the red spot is hers; there's also a couple of Susan Matych Hager desiger beads sprinkled throughout the series. The final pendant, the tentacle, is made of borosilicate by my bead buddy, Frances.
Unlike my own bead curtain strands, these are distinguished by being mostly opaque beads, which just read as dark shapes in a window, but look great against a wall. Though the brown colour scheme looks very autumnal to my eyes, and it's certainly reinforced by that leaf on a wire[1] it's entirely accidental.
[1]I can't even begin to guess how many years ago I made those.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn