I actually started this post around the same time I made the first one, then lost track of it for a year or so. Story of my life. So the subtitle is just a tad out of date. Anyway, see below for another wonderful variation in her ice-blue cube series. She does these in white—very elegant—and possibly also in peach, though that may be a special order.

Rectangular variation on the ice cube series. Sodalime glass, sterling silver. Copyright 2005 Kristin Perkins; all rights reserved.
I will say I really like the way the photo came out. I love when my backgrounds shade dark to light, as it does here, but it is still not an effect—even after 10–20 years’ struggle—that I can reliably achieve.
file created 29aug05; group disk ear shot moved, copy written & post finished 25jun06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn