With the exception of the Kim Fields floral, which I've linked to her demo on the GlassAct251 site, I've traded for all of the beads shown below. I really like this custom amongst glass beadmakers of trading and feel incredibly fortunate to have the privilege of receiving these lovely beads and thank everyone who has traded with me. I've attempted to credit all the beads correctly, but some I admit to some sloppiness when I just started—so if I've mistakenly credited your bead to someone else, my profound apologies; please let me know so I can correct the error. Each of the thumbnails should take you to a page with one or more images on it.
Please note: these designs are copyright, with all rights reserved, by their respective creators.

Kristin Perkins, silver smith and glass beader, makes a retro line with clean line and clear colors. file created & added 25jun06

Joy Cichewicz’ award winning bead pen

I have several really lovely trades from Gathering this year, but so far, Kim Fields’ are the only ones I've managed to document, and my photography is less than stellar. But her work is so beautiful, I figure, better imperfect than never....file added 9sep05

Trades from Gathering 2004, in Portland OR, including the mystery bead—if this is your bead, please let me know, so I can credit you! (posted 03mar05)

The local Guild does a themed multi-bead exchange. December 2002

My local Guild's annual single bead exchange. December 2002

I participate in a single bead exchange inspired by kaleidoscopes. November 2002

Lisa Walsh of Abednego Beads trades one of her Holly beads at the 2002 October Bead Boner.

Melanie Brooks’ wonderful ceramic beads. Annually, Bead Boner; last, Oct 2002.

I participate in a Big Bead Swap . September 2002.

Kim Fields bead: an in-focus version of the demo bead she made for glassact251. August 2002.

A former teacher is generous. May 2002

Gathering 2001, Boulder Colorado. May 2001.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn