This page shows works by other artists that do not fall into the lampwork or trade categories. Please note that the individual artists reserve all rights to their work.

Yes, I need to get back to that bead series. But I've just come back from one of those `I need a vacation from my vacation' type trips, and I'm still pretty tired (though deeply grateful I got to go—I learnt lots and met many very kind people). Since today's art is 2 D and features Japanese com...

linkies: Batman architecture; rollover kitty; botanical illustrations & cigarette vending machine art; brown noise; zippered bag tut 03oct2022

multistrand freshwater pearl, jasper & sterling silver necklace by Linda Gioiosa of Malachite Dragon 20feb2020

Margaret Sutherland is doing a series of embroidered squares, each focused around a found object given her. This one, originally created 24sep10, is for January.

This necklace featuring a cobalt 3 hole focal was indirectly inspired by a movie star, Gene Tierney. 23sep2010

My friend Margaret makes a lovely necklace for a friend featuring a bronzclay focal & seed bead rope.

I've been trading with Melanie Brooks of Earthenwood for years. This latest pair of pendants features an antique key and keyhole . Originally posted14jan10. 14jan2010

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 4th in the series. 10dec2009

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 15dec2009

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 3rd in the series. 09dec2009

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. This post features my first three efforts. 07dec2009

Wendy Zollars and I participated in a collaboration as part of the joint GLBG/GlassAct challange, exhibited at the Lawrence Street Gallery in November of 2009. Originally posted 04dec09. 04dec2009

Elemental Mojo bears the distinction of being the only other person I know who does ikat kumi —that is using variegated yarns to shift patterns in and out of a braid. Originally posted 30jun09 30jun2009

Vicky Haider found my bead curtain instructions and successfully used them to decorate some antique brackets. Lovely. Originally posted 28mar07. 28mar2007

Kids are natural designers, as this page demonstrates when several of my nieces and nephews had a post-holiday stringing party. Originally posted 28dec06. 28dec2006

Gail Frederickson's African Helix in Green & Orange N.b.: both image and this work is copyright Gail Frederickson. All rights reserved. 15aug2004
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started Sun Jun 25 20:12:44 2006; updated 18oct06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn