I photographed this piece with both my cameras, and ended up having to do color correction on for both sets of images—so much for my white balance skills! (In my defense, I'd only had the newer camera for a few days, & am finding the manual rather, um, cryptic, at times...)

necklace, 2010. Focal is roughly 2" long. bronz?clay, silver bali beads & clasp, seed beads, sterling wire, thread (probably 1G, Margaret adores the working characteristics of this stuff, and with good reason, I'd say, from the one time I used it;) Copyright 2010 Margaret Sutherland. All rights reserved.
But despite my less than stellar photography, I think you can get a sense of just how wonderful this piece is:)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn