One of the great things about artist friends is that you can draw in each other's sketchbooks, as my friend Fran did here:
I wasn't feeling at all well, and didn't realized she was making this in my sketchbook as I stumbled through an attempt to string a memory bracelet.[1]
I very much like the way she incorporated the floral motifs of the wallpaper, her own repeated ink patterns (the circled dots) as well as the organic, wavy lines throughout.
This was a delightful gift to finish off a less than ideal year.
UPDATE: correction to the extremely confusing footnote, 23apr21
[1]Pro-tip: if raw onions [don't] make you feel better, don't eat a bunch of raw garlic...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn