My bestie was born on Epiphany, and so the 12th Day of Christmas is special to us. She'd already gotten me some lovely ornaments for my tree, beautifully wrapped, (with which I started this 12 days series, so how appropriate to circle back to her giftwrap to end it) but went all out on the decorating on the later date, as you'll see. I also took advantage of the opportunity to wrap a somewhat larger item, using some bronzy gold paper she'd just given me. I don't think I was really able to do it justice, but I tried!

Giftwrap: paper, wire edged metallic, twisted, fabric and curling ribbons, lion ornament, bells, mini-gifts, metallic silk leaves, hot glue. Jan 2021.
The lovely gold metallic ribbon to the left was definitely scavenged from one of her earlier gifts, as she very much likes using small sections of super wide (3–4") wire edged ribbon.
Page is particularly fond of using luscious, luscious wide ribbons, ideally, as in this case, with gold trimmings. It's a very elegant, rich look, and much cleaner in its conception. If you look carefully at the paper you'll note subtle silver accents as well.
We had some more snow, so I photographed the gifts outside, as they're really too large for my studio setup. Then, of course, I had to photoshop clone out a bunch of crap out of the backgrounds using gimp, but it's good practise, right?
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn