Today's memory wire bracelet is by Fran, and I really like what she did with it. —The same, alas, cannot be said of my photography, somewhat hampered by the fact that Fran didn't want finials, and I didn't want to show them missing, which made styling the piece in multiple views trickier. And it simply would not stand up sideways. Otoh, the red shadow of the disk bead nexted to the large raked lotus is pretty cool: I love that the reflections of the beads have shadows;)

Includes spot'n’streak, lotus raked, gravity swirl, and gold leaf lampwork beads, as well czech pressed and seed beads. Tried out my museum gel, and it mostly made a snotty looking mess on the plexi. Ah well. Lumix LX100, cropped, and darkened.[1]
The very small spot and streaks, by the way, are from an older project in a similar I want to do this again, this time subbing the ivory for the white.
[1]The lumix relative to the E620 tends to overexpose things. Eventually I'll learn...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn