This piece is part of a sequence that includes earrings and the prior two dead mice featured on the blog. As I mentioned prior, one of the earrings got lost, so I made the remainder of the weird blue glass into similar beads, hoping to get a match. (Which failed. Which means, I guess that I have to replicate that petroleum green and dark lapis blue mix I made over 20 years ago, if I'm to have any hope of matching the earrings.)

dead mouse featuring raked orange and blue beads, as well as a found dichro fused pendant. Lapis lazuli triangle bead.
The focal of this mouse has a similar history: my favourite pair of earrings is from the same series of beads I called fire and ice but some years ago I dropped one, and cracked it. The crack wasn't obvious but after dropping it again, it finally gave up the ghost; after a bunch of failures I managed more or less to match it, so I have my earrings back; but this disk flattened bead is part of detritus from that effort. So those various failures, along with a lapis triangle, plus this quite pretty dichro pendant that somebody gave me (with no idea of who the artist is) all went into this mouse.
So it has much richer components than most. It also has a much bigger space, or divided focal areas on the left tail, a visual and physical gap to make space for the large dichro pendant.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn