Just about exactly five years ago, I took a wirewrapping class—back in the days when we all casually travelled to do workshops, remember those? Me too. The projects she actually taught us were excellent workshop projects—suited for a wide range of skills, easy to finish in the allotted time, & allowed for personalization—but they just weren't my jam.
This however...absolutely was.

Maria Richmond, 2018. Copper wire “doodle”. lumix LX100. Original was absolutely dreadful in terms of WB, this is heavily adjusted with the curves tool, cropped & slightly sharpened
My favourite project in Maria Richmond's class was not something she was teaching but this “doodle”, which she was kind enough to allow me to photograph. —As she's now teaching a version of this project, I don't think she would mind me posting a 5 year old prototype.

Obverse. As above, but without additional sharpening. (So proud of myself for figuring out how to apply the same colour curves to both photos. No, it's not at all difficult.)
Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be selling the updated version as a kit—not surprising, it's a fairly complex piece—but she has made it into a class. Check out her facebook page if you'd like to learn more.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn