Well...not exactly. Of the 20 or 30 media (including variations) I've tried, stringing remains perhaps my favorite. It certainly is the craft I've practiced longest and feel most competent.
Because the initial learning curve is so low and the initial outlay so small (you can buy all the tools you need for $50), and because, frankly, it's so often so badly done, beadstringing has an undeserved reputation as not being “real” art.
I beg to differ. It's the idea, not the medium, that ultimately makes the difference. I would even argue that it's the idea, not virtuosity, that really counts. That said, stringing can be as challenging and difficult to do as any other medium. Beadstringing may look simple, but to make a long lasting and attractive necklace requires some attention to detail. There are tips and tricks to stringing, as with everything else.
Whether I'll ever get around to scanning some of the really old images (those available on paper or film) remains to be seen, but I think the following gives some sense of my ideas. Stuff with lampwork is gonna be newer (2000s). Stone bead focals mean the piece is probably made in the 1990s. And gee, just to make it obvious, I've put price tags on the stuff that's for sale. If you're interested, email me. I also do commissions.

Pop music's supertonic; harmonics make the scale; Fine art cuts re-imagines traditional Turkey carpets; Jackie Ormes; RBG's netted necklace. 24sep2020

This pouch features glass beads, embroidery, fabric dying and sewing by me; its semiprecious accent beads co-ordinate with the rosary (restrung by me...) it's designed to hold. 24aug2015

Page designs another lovely necklace featuring one of my BE floral vases. Collects together all the PMC posts, both finished jewelry & components. 15apr2014

The semiprecious leopardskin butterfly necklace was a very long time in the chrysalis. Collects the kumistrung necklace pages. 14apr2014

Collects together the tassel necklace pages. Oh, and updates the pink satake tassel necklace page, which was a mess. 10apr2014

This last in a series of posts about an elaborate beaded potted plant hanger also collects all the plant hanger posts together. 20mar2014

This luscious green and purple necklace is full of all the things I love:) It also currently collects together the multistrand pages. 03oct2012

Inspired by stockings, this is the 2nd in a series of abstract wall-hangings/mini-quilts. Originally posted 27apr09. 27apr2009

Inspired by stockings, this is the Ist in a series of abstract wall-hangings/mini-quilts. Originally posted 23apr09. 23apr2009

One of the Friday night icebreakers at the 2009 glassact retreat was to make this beadsoup necklace . Originally posted 04apr09. 08apr2009

I made an index page for french-beaded flower pages on 8apr2008...finally got around to posting it some 6 years later... 24apr2014

Kids are natural designers, as this page demonstrates when several of my nieces and nephews had a post-holiday stringing party. Originally posted 28dec06. 28dec2006

Index page to the most popular item on my site—with tuts, samples, commissions, and the 2.0 version. Enjoy. 18oct2006

I've updated the stringing howtos link to reflect the fact that at some point in time I collected the various posts, some of which used to be listed below, together on their own page. Scattershot to be sure, but at least there are now instructions for making bead curtain strands . Updated 0...

An idea a decade or more old finally comes to fruition —with a couple of techniques (bead crochet and glass beadmaking) added along the way. 18nov2004

My favorite transparent stone, or two tourmaline necklaces , one showing `2into1'. Collection of the artist. 22may2004

an index page for 2–>1 necklaces, with a text explanation of design parameters & tips (not a full howto) for making your own. 22may2004
Bead curtain directory & howtostring index added 05may06; moss & ametrine lampwork; fwp pieces; prices for items available for sale, and blurb, all added 18oct06...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn