I've alluded elsewhere to the value of trading ideas back and forth. This is one of the earliest examples: my friend Page claims she was inspired to string the necklace on the left by a design I did called a ‘chip and round’. I couldn't see it (very much) and figured she was merely being kind.
I was immediately entranced by the concept, and still love doing this freeform pattern we call ‘fantasy’. However, much as I enjoy making these pieces, she's better at it: my effort, inspired by her necklace, is on the right. Despite more expensive materials, it's not as successful. I particularly envied orangey luster seed beads and the very large, reddish narrow chunk (nearly dead center in the image) set off by beads no bigger than 4mm in her piece.
Lucky for me, it didn't sell, and after whining and begging for 2 or 3 years it finally appeared in my xmas stocking.

Two amber necklaces, the shorter of which is about 26” (I have a small head, so when I restrung it, I took out the clasp). L. Page Kaczynski, Sylvus Tarn. Early 90s. Collection of the artist.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn