So one of the things I've been meaning to do is collect the various failures I've had over the years and show ’em off, cuz of ’em are pretty spectacularly bad. I thought I'd call the feature ‘Friday Fuglies’. With a suitably awful background, of course.
I generally loathe the so-called (by Scott McCloud, no less!) ugly style of comic drawing; but oddly enough I find my failures so ugly they verge on a sort of horrifying cuteness.
Well, you know, it takes all kinds.

Lindsey Ellis and Riley J Dennis discuss transphobia, the former focusing on JK Rowling's terfy terribleness. (And what it means for potterdom) 10jul2020

production from 23sep15: recent experiments, mostly with color. Also, reviewing old techniques. 25sep2015

In which I discover why casing ivory with effetre 068 transparent pink is not A Good Idea . Originally posted 13feb10. 13feb2010

In which sylvus discovers that reading the directions first is a good idea . Originally posted 08jan10. 08jan2010

How I got from dotties to harlequins . (With some minor not-quite-friday-fugly-worthy efforts along the way.) Here are some originally posted 18dec09. 18dec2009

This week we have five fridayfuglies, one for each day of the work week. Originally posted 01may09. 01may2009

In which I attempt to make tiger heads that do not have the eyes or muzzles sliding off one half of the face. Originally posted 24apr09 24apr2009

While playing with presses I made this odd bead, which actually I quite like . Originally posted 03apr09. 03apr2009

Some friday fuglies are sort of cute. But this one, alas, is just a fugly failure . Originally posted 20nov08. 21nov2008

Most people think of holepops as mistakes, but I consider them opportunities . Originally posted 11nov08. 11nov2008

A twofer of friday fugly and frustrating, not only for the objects, but the photography too. Sometimes, you just can't win. . Originally posted 24oct08. 24oct2008

Even simple beads may need some development before getting out of the fugly category. . Originally posted 17oct08. 17oct2008

Some of these beads are actually edging out of the friday fugly category in this 300+ exercise to clean up my floral trailing. Originally posted 15oct08. 16oct2008

The very first beads I made with the Color is Messy pallette. Made in October, originally posted 16nov07. 19nov2007

More Gathering goodies, v. 2007 , including some just-a-demo-ugly tests. Originally posted 16aug07 16aug2007

A not terribly successful series of Bullseye dichro focals, which at least attempts to document how I refine my ideas throughout the design process. Late 2006. 17feb2012

I made, I think before we moved. Say it's five years old or so. At any rate, I couldn't sell it, couldn't even give it away; it was such a resounding failure I tore it apart to harvest the beads for the lowly bead curtain. Now that silvered stringing cable is available, I wouldn't e...
photo 20080322, file & directory, 11apr08.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn