Of the five strands I've featured this week, this one was the most reworked—the original design had these orange beads with pink swirls in them—and in that sense is therefore the oldest. The client decided he really didn't like those orange beads, and asked me to remove them. I thought they worked, but acquiesced.

sodalime effetre & bullseye (those big purple things with the pixie dust sheen on them), vintage check, semi-precious stone (jade, I think...) beadalon, (& seed beads of course). 2015
It's actually my personal fave, as I feel the pink, lime & mint greens give the palette a little pop. This is not however an opinion the recipient shared; he disliked it so much he gave it (and all the beads associated with it) back to me. Though I'm almost always happy to get free beads, I was a little sad this time, because this meant the end of our collaboration: he doesn't intend to do any more bead curtain strands.
I therefore sincerely hope he's enjoying the ones he's got.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn