I have always loves horses (and unicorns and dragons...) and was very pleased to take Joy Munshower's surf'n’turf class, specifically to learn how to do horseheads. But, of course, then I needed to make a hundred or so to get good, and that, I've very much failed to do. One such example is today's:

horse (or unicorn) head on a 1.25 pressed lentil. 01apr20; photographed (if you can call it that) with my phone, 3apr20
Since this was a practise bead, I loaded up a bunch of glass scrap into the jar lid-on-a-stick pre-heater, munged it up on a thick rod & then rolled it in some frit I had lying around. Somewhere in there I applied dusty old shards too, and the muddy result is very nearly as bad as the obverse.

reverse. To add insult to injury, there's a holepop. In my defense, I will say afict, the bead is not cracked, so that's something.
I realize April Fool pranks on others were more-or-less cancelled this year, but this one was on me...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn