Ow, ow, ow. The beads may not actually be on fire, but the saturation burns my eyes. One of the things I loved about my E620 olympus was its fantastic, out-of-the-box jpgs. Most of the time the lumix I'm currently using does fine. Not this time. Granted the beads are a very saturated cadmium-bright red-yellow-orange colourway, but this is a bit much.[1]

red, yellow and orange lampwork beads; pressed czech, seed and bugle beads on memory wire with brass headpin finials. I think that orangish bead next to the rightmost dichro barrel might be a natural carnelian. Lumix LX100 9jan21, 1/40sec, f/9.0, ev +0.7, iso 640, lumopro manual flash.
I tried shooting on white, hoping to capture the look and feel of the (much more successful, siiiiigh) 2012 version, but that didn't work out so hot (heh) so I went back to the easier black plexi:

glass lampwork, czech pressed, seed and bugle beads; memory wire and brass findings. Started late December 2020, completed 09jan2021 I swear I toned down the red in this picture.
I wasn't completely unhappy with the design—I do like the opaque yellow/olive green section in the middle (see the right side of the photo) but I threw those dichro barrels, which I think date back at least ten years (if not more) in the piece to get rid of them. This, um, creation, was the inspo for Fran's effort that I showed yesterday, and that I like much better.
Plus, I have it on good authority that the recipient enjoyed her gift, so this wasn't a completely wasted effort.
[1]RAW processing. It's been on my todo list for at least the last decade.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn