Welcome to the second? in my series of bullseye dichro focals, in which I attempt to come up with something a) big'n’gaudy b) attractive and c) distinctive to me. I really enjoy curliQ type trailing, and I've become very comfortable using hilite pixie dust, so I figured, what the hey?

Flattened oval, 18x27x36 (width, depth height, in mm) of bullseye soda lime glass, dichro, pixie dust. Yeah, there's a hole in that mass of white. Not really sure why it doesn't show. Hollow, late 2006.
Well, at least this time, I trailed the curliQs and dusted the pixie dust over the dichro, so we don't have those hideous demarcations from last time. Only problem is, the dichro doesn't show. At all.
I also tried using up some opaque shards that were probably given me back when I took Lisa St. Martin's class (at which I was introduced to the idea of the big gaudy dichro), which was the year Gathering was at Alexandria, which puts it back, um, (St Louis, Louisville, Lowell/Boston) at least 4 years now. Even cased, those bright opaque primaries—yellow, orange, plus some of the strip transparent red I've way too much of—do not sit particularly happily with magenta-pink black backed dichro. Ah well.
Plus, despite all the bragging about my so great hilite pixie skills, I fried it a bit, so tried to liven up the bead by grinding little curliQs using a foredom with a diamond coated bit. Ho hum.
The back isn't much better: pixie dust doesn't go much better with saturated primary opaques than the dichro does, plus it repells glass, as you can see with the poorly melted in grass green trailing.
But at least the bead didn't crack, so it is technically salable. Next time my real troubles begin.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn