These two cards were made for cat owners, and are in fact portraits of their cats, both semi-longhaired of the Maine Coon type. The first one is a standard brown and black tabby, the second grey and white. Both were blessed with very laid back temperaments (& both have or are currently living with us;) —The first one was made for a fellow artist who likes lettering and geometric designs, so of course I delineated the background with my favourite flax design. (I have an excellent text for learning copperplate, and one of the author's recommendations is to practise with pencil, as I did here.)
This card I made for a friend who lived with us a bit last year, and who has been really helpful during the lockdown, buying groceries and the like. He lost his beloved Trofy (whose name I've spelled slightly differently for privacy reasons) earlier this year, so I made this little memento because the loss was a hard one, coming on top of a lot of other stressful changes, including 2 major moves in the span of six months.

watercolour, coloured markers on paper; note pearl blackwing pencil, a box of which I split with f2tE, who's been encouraging me to use these super-rich, velvety and very nicely crafted pencils.
Both are likely made with a sheet of that 9x12 acid balanced paper of which Fran gave me two big pads, likely folded in half. Just about all their value comes from them being personalized; there's not much to say about the technical quality.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn