This assortment of red, pink and purple beads (with one poorly struck red outlier) is the sort of thing I do when I've been away from the torch for awhile, or don't have any ideas. Besides the badly made reddish-orange bead sticking out like a sore thumb on the right of the image, there's that reddish purple opaque in lower right which I also feel deserves a fugly status.

(mostly) purple spacers... with some pink & red thrown in; photographed sony A7c, sony 90mm macro, f/5.0, ev 0, 1/160s, ISO 50, godox manual flash; scaled to 4000 pixels in gimp.
In this case it was some January beads made on the 12th, the second time I turned on my torch this year. The green beads got incorporated in the beadcurtain, and will get documented in due course[1]
Eventually there will be more exciting stuff, this was just a page I had lying around:)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn