So my student wanted to try her hand at florals, and considering all the ugly unwanted excess stringer laying around the studio (which we've been attempting to [gasp!] tidy up) I thought this was a great idea.
So I gave a little demo, and just because I'm curious, I grabbed and red and white twisty. Twisties are those stringers made of equal parts (usually two, but sometimes more) of contrasting (and almost always) opaque color. This twisty I probably inherited from Cindi B. It was red and white, with a touch of palladium leaf.

21x23mm, hollow effetre. Made 1mar12. You can see just the tiniest touch of metallic flakes in the red.
I thought it actually worked pretty well with my favorite flower pattern, which is often called ‘iris’ though mine look more like opening tulips or crocuses.
For the more difficult ‘daisy’ type round flower, my technique (predictably) sucked, but it occurred to me that this sort of cane would be perfect for those striped petunias—you know the ones that commonly purple and white, or red and white.
Must explore.
And see, this is why teaching people is so much fun. You learn lots yourself!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn