I mostly make round, or more realistically slightly flattened round (disk-shape) beads. My second most favorite shape appears to be the vase.
file created 08jun05

Page designs another lovely necklace featuring one of my BE floral vases. Collects together all the PMC posts, both finished jewelry & components. 15apr2014

Collects together the tassel necklace pages. Oh, and updates the pink satake tassel necklace page, which was a mess. 10apr2014

Japan Daughter for the Year's parents sent me not one but two wonderful yukata (summer kimono) plus a bunch of other stuff. Not to mention entrusting me with their child for ten months. This piece was my attempt at arigato gozaimasu . 02sep2011

This pink vessel features CiM gellysty pink, plus one of Cindi's commercial pink frit mixes. And, if I'm not mistaken, her leaf cane, too. 02jun2010

Elegant, simple and lush teal pixie focals, including some dottie pixies. . Originally posted 19jan09. 19jan2009

Some old beads in an early style . file originally created 3jun05; my beads photographed dec 03; posted 07jun05 07jun2005

The joys and frustrations of making floral vases in Satake. File originally posted 26apr05 26apr2005

An experimental pixie floral vase. Dig that bright yellow handi-tac I'm too lazy to Gimp out...created 03apr05, posted 04apr05 04apr2005

An idea a decade or more old finally comes to fruition —with a couple of techniques (bead crochet and glass beadmaking) added along the way. 18nov2004

4 frit and powder floral vases : abstracts taken a step further. In `sunshine coral'. (posted 14aug04). 15aug2004

Just the one bead , but includes a shot of the setup used to photograph it, too. (posted 17dec03) 22may2004

A little overexposed, but here's a shot of a necklace featured in the photography howto page —which if you scroll down towards the bottom has another Page & Sylvus necklace, not otherwise shown. 22may2004
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn