This is the slightly more formal (imnsho) of the two floral necklaces I made as omiyage for f2tY to take that f2tY took[1] to her host family in Japan.

crochet cotton, copper (acid etched using stamps by yours truly), silver, glass beads and glass focal: specifically a hollow mandrel wound vessel decorated with frit, powder and floral cane trailing.
Not a lot to say about the piece. Originally I had wanted to do the state flower, but I was out of practice, so I selected a bead I'd already made. Beads, like music, have to be practiced to turn out well. This is also the project when I discovered my fancy (read: expensive) disc cutter was not quite as intuitive to use as I'd hoped.
At least, when I make them.
I do like the way the kumi turned out, though.
[1]I wrote the post in 2013, but didn't get around to posting it till shortly after we all went to Japan to visit our Japanese Daughters and see the f2s’ host families.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn