So here we have three beads, and a confession: I spent several minutes trying to figure out what was going on with the bead on bead on the left, which as you might've noticed is blue, not green on the top. What, I wondered, was going on here? Did I use Halong Bay translucent blue instead? Was the bead all effetre? (Vase beads can use up to a rod of glass, and I only have two of each color. Since my mandate specifically instructed to mix CiM with other glasses, I saved glass and followed instructions by making the bottom of the bead in a pale transparent cobalt, e.g. 052 or 054, since the bases of my vase beads tend to be covered by the thompson enamel, a function of the fact that the bottom of the bead is on the distal end of the mandrel.)

3 soda-lime beads, 2007, of effetre (specifically 054 or 052 cobalt trans blue), color is messy (peacock), thompson enamels, artist made frits, gold leaf, and pixie dust. Blue trailing on the one is ASK. Largest, 13x45mm.
After fetching the bead, examining it under two kinds of light, it finally dawned on me that I'd simply photographed it upside down. Duh.
However, this misunderstanding illustrates another, somewhat unfortunate point, at least from my point of view: much as I like the translucent colors, such as the peacock green used here, I haven't really
However, as promised, they appear to be entirely compatible with effetre and thompson enamels. And now that I've fulfilled my end of the bargain, at least with this color, I can use the other rod exploring this glass in a way that showcases its translucency. Given that it matches in ‘feel’ many semi-precious stones, as well as the new opal and alabaster austrian crystals (all of which Page just yummies) I can definitely see uses for this glass.
Once I get a decent source for it, of course.
file created 20oct07; additional writing, 20nov07
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn