This is the fourth or fifth iteration of the very first dead mouse, and at this point only one of the tails is left of the original:
The wizard has taken up welding, which is great—awesome custom tables for pin polishers, plants, etc for me!—but we haven't finished revamping the studio[1] so I can work safely without a welding helmet on (which would make it a bit tricky to string;) so I chose short projects such as restringing this mouse so we could alternate: while he was welding, I was down in the basement doing photography, and while he was in basement grinding away, I was upstairs stringing.

one plus 5T, 26apr22:12:06pm f/1.7, 1/100s, ISO 500. floral dead mouse repair completed with new tail. Note those awesome ridged irid green bugles in lower middle part of the shot:)
The pink abstract just below the vessel is just a touch larger than I would normally choose, but I wanted it because Fran made it for me:) I used some “luscious” beads in the second tail—fuchsia cubes, for example. This is after a very special mouse.

Dead Mouse with yellow and pink floral vessel. Focal 22x 6mm long, overall length 260mm (10.5") Sony ILCE-7c and sony 90mm macro; godox flash 600, 1/2 power; f/4.5 ev 0 1/160s ISO 50; strung and photographed 26apr22
The repair took about an hour to do, and that with sorting out some of the beads ahead of time. Well, stringing is supposed to be a meditative practise, after all.
[1]Definitely the case in late April when I wrote this page, and though we're at a pause point in late November when I'm finally posting, the studio still needs a bit more work. But it's getting there!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn