This subindex page collects my posts on tessellated beads, which are also commonly called twisted dot (for the technique) or harlequin (for the shape, which is generally diamond like). As I've noted ad nauseum, Lani Ching is perhaps the best known beadmaker working in this technique. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, neither she nor her husband James Allen Jones have a website, though her work has been published in a number of places. She has a brief demo of the twisted dot technique in Cindy Jenkins’ Beads of Glass.
Nor am I the only person to be awed and inspired by her work; so has Terri Caspari Schmidt.

An old page from 19may2012 features an equally old beadcurtain strand photographed 29may2012. 14nov2017

I have this batch of coe96 glass lying about and though mebbe someday I might want to get into 96—it does, after all, have all those luscious furnace colors—but seeing as I've already got 104, 90 and 32 to play with (in various incarnations) I figure that's enough different types of glass to ...

I love making twisted dot beads, aka harlequins . Here are some originally posted 17dec09. 17dec2009

How I got from dotties to harlequins . (With some minor not-quite-friday-fugly-worthy efforts along the way.) Here are some originally posted 18dec09. 18dec2009

Beads as a bowl of little, rich, delicious treats. (If only... both the beads and the photography need to improve.) Originally posted 3may07 05may2007

Three files, originally posted 19dec05 , 29aug06 , and 06oct06 currently comprise the tessellation/twisted-dot subindex, created 29aug06 06oct2006
file created 29aug06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn