Here's another brown and ivory beadcurtain strand. Besides two of Frances’ boro pendants (which frankly were a pain to string) the piece features some harlequin/twisted dot beads,[1] some opaque dotties that were among my earlier successes playing with flame chemistry; a Kristina Logan style raked disk, and a cased stripe/triangle bead in olive green and orange. These were all labour intensive beads; whereas the striped ivory and black funky shaped ones are just plain fuglies, so this strand combines beads of quite varying levels of quality.

soft glass beads, boro pendants (by Frances Ross), swarovski key designed by Yoko Ono.[2]
The person for whom I made these strands is a huge Yoko Ono fan, and purchased these glass keys, which evidently she designed. I'm guessing they were intended to hang at an angle on a fine chain: they don't hang symmetrically, which annoyed me to no end, but since there's were nothing I could do about it, I shrugged my shoulders and lived with it.
[1]Tesselation. That's the proper term for these time-consuming beads. And yes, you'll probably have to click on the image & look closely to find the bead featuring this technique.
[2]That lumpy looking abstract just behind the disk is a kitty cat head—I obviously photographed these in an absolutely tearing hurry, and the styling is terrible.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn