I was trying to do sort of an arty depiction of them with this style of photography, using natural light, a cream colored bowl and my dining table as props. Should've bounced the light on one side fill a little, but other than that, it's a more successful image than I would've expected.

assortment of hollow beads using ivory, black, powder pink, opal yellow, brown, red, murano mustard (looks like olive green).
I particularly like the central bead, which has a basket-weave twist dot pattern using ivory. I even managed to melt in the ivory, and get some webbing (separation) effects with the notoriously goopy ivory smearing only a little instead of all over everywhere. The brown bead with the sagey looking melted-in spots in the lower left is cased. A note: just as red and orange effetre don't like being clear cased, neither does brown. The bead cracked.
file created 5may07, removed hope_project tag, added tessellation & brown tags, added title:, added larger version of image back into page
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn