So, it only took two years to make up this sample strand—yay for financial programs, that's how I dated the purchase (18aug2010, i.e. after gathering). I think I probably made the beads and tags relatively quickly after getting the glass...then it took me two years to string them. Yes, 2012 really is the year of cleaning up old projects, and some of them are proving to be surprisingly simple, like this one.

sample strand. Photographed 18may2012. Excepting clear, each color is shown on both clear colorless and opaque white glass with the copper tag between them (the clear is shown on the white only, with a crystal, mostly cropped out of the picture, at the end of the string).
Note: the colors start at the lower right and move counterclockwise (contrary to western convention—guess I should've rotated the image). Also, I arranged the colors chromatically, so a couple of them are numerically out of order.
- 9400 clear
- 9410 wax yellow
- 9415 khaki
- 9425 spring green
- 9434 gem green
- 9436 glass green
- 9444 turquoise
- 9443 beryl green
- 9452 aqua blue
- 9453 water blue
- 9466 nitric blue
- 9463 bonnet blue
- 9475 amethyst
- 9480 cherry pink
My studio notes are extremely brief, noting only that I transferred the enamels to watch cases and ‘started samples’ on session II (evening) of 7aug2010. I seem to recall rolling each bead 2 to 3 times in the enamels, but couldn't swear to it. My friend Ona, who I note visited me a couple of days later, got a lovely deep cherry pink (over white), but at least one of her beads cracked in half, possibly from incompatibility issues. None of this is written, however; it's all from my flaky two year old memories.
Other sample strands/beads:

In 2012 Creation is Messy (CiM) sends out colors for testing. 5 years later I post my results... 14dec2017

Sample strand of some of the Limited Edition BE colors from 2007 (more or less)—the so-called 1001 series. 08jan2008

sample strand for the current creation is messy color is messy (104coe) palette. Originally posted 27oct07 27oct2007

a rainbow of dotties redux. Needs add'l pix from 20070125, plus photograph relevant sample strands. 07feb2020

Sample of the new 104coe kugler colors commissioned by Arrow Springs. Updated with a new photo from 2007, this glass has since been discontinued. 26nov2006

These pages are references pix of the dichro I use , to help me recreate a bead, or figure out what name to call that blue-green I need more of... 24oct2006

to your left, the orange bead that didn't make it into the 96 coe pi glass sample strand . 04may2006
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn