Glass manufacturers for lampworkers have discovered two rather paradoxical desires by their customers: absolutely consistant color, batch and batch; and a neverending hunger for new colors, variations on old colors, vintage colors, limited runs of colors...Bullseye has answered this call with their ever increasing limited edition line.

Limited edition colors, most from 2007. I think. (Hollow lampwork samples, generally around 13mm hole to hole.) I think I started these in Dec 07 (easy no-think project); completed Jan08.
So here are sample beads from some of the goodies I got from Arrow Springs and Gathering 07 from left to right:
- 2002A uranium yellow
- 1001J Bloody Mary
- 1001B Orange Lollipop
- 1001L Heirloom Tomato
- 1001? Lavender Blush Tint
- 1001M Wisteria
- 1002A Violet Beauregard
- 1001Q Robin's Egg
- 1001? Turquoise
- 1001? Mint
- 2002E Lemon Lime
- 1001I Chameleon
- 1001E Yellow Ochre
- ????? Mystery Coral & Cream Stripe
- 1001N Antique White
- 1001F Rose Striker
- 1002D Peachy Keen
- 1001A Oxblood
- 1001C Fudgesickle
Here a picture of the card that allows me to match the names, above, to the beads:
The ? ones are from BE booth at Gathering, and they often don't even label the rods (I have to do that) or particularly have colors and names assigned—just special rods, for 75c or a dollar apiece.

Some of the rods used to make this glass. That weird streaky one is third from the right. There's also some from the new (named) palette, as well.
The problem from my point of view is that I really only have two ways of dealing with this limited edition stuff: either stick it in my collection or use it all up, right away. Since glass technology is improving all the time, the former is really the sensible thing to do, and I'm ever so slowly getting better about that...
file created 8jan08. Add'l photos (20feb08) and captions, added 17apr14.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn