Okay, this is a reference of some dichro colors before I've ripped off the identifying tags. Sure, dichro by its very nature shifts color in the frame, not to mention the flecks of metal (dichro is made by depositing 20–40 layers of metallic oxides on a glass surface in a vacuum chamber) creating zillions of hot spots—but at least, if I've managed to match the reality to the picture, there's some hope for accuracy.

dichro strips. All are Uroboros 104, though only some are the thin flat strips I truly prefer (and so do evidently a lot of other beadmakers, cuz arrow springs charges a premium for them—one I'm happy to pay.)
Colors in order, from top to bottom. The transmission color is traditionally listed first, but since this is all on black glass, you principly see the reflected color. Usually the common name is the transmission color/reflected color; sometimes it's the [quality] [reflected color]. Premium colors require more deposits and thus are more expensive. As I've whined before there are no stock numbers and even the names are not especially standardized.
- Standard Magenta/Green
- Premium Red/Silver Blue
- Premium Silver
- Premium Green/Pink, i.e. "premium pink"
- Premium G[ree]n/Magenta
- Premium G[ree]n/Magenta Bl[ue]
- Standard Yellow/Blue
- Standard Yellow/Purple.
- Standard Yellow/Violet
As you see the last two are much duller than the others, and basically indistinguishable from each other—the violet might be ever so slightly more reddish, but I wouldn't’ve bought this stuff laying on the table. I don't know if I got a miserable batch, or if it's just really difficult to make colors on the end of the spectrum. The quality of this stuff certainly varies, and needless to say a good thick coating is to be preferred.
file created 15nov06; tagging updated 13nov17.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn