At least one lampworker I've spoken to—Peggy Prielozny, mebbe?—said she had problems with this glass cracking when cased with effetre clears, and sent hers back, but, you know, opaque red effetre cracks when it's cased in clear, so I'd like to do some thread tests comparing effetre opaques to this stuff. My guess is that it will be somewhat less compatible than the effetre line, but useable for certain techniques. Yes of course I would like all my glass to be perfectly compatible. Back when I painted, I wanted all my pigments to be perfectly lightfast and nontoxic, too. However, this is real life, with tradeoffs.
In the meantime, here's a partial sample of the new colors available in this line, from Arrow Springs. So far all the colors are opaque.

colors are shown in numerical order. And yes, the photo shows the way my camera lens distorts closeups.
- ASK03 Passionate Pink (missing)
- ASK004 Lilac Ice (pale lavender)
- ASK005 Violet Night (dark blue-violet)(don't encase)
- ASK006 (missing)
- ASK007 Bahia Blue (dark turquoise)
- ASK008 Berry Creamy (light lilac purple, similar to effetre 273)
- ASK009 Carmel Apple (Ag bearing; similar to boro caramel/butterscotch [1] )
- ASK010 Silver Cinnamon(Ag bearing; medium brown)
- ASK011 (missing)
- ASK012 Scarlet Dreams (bright slightly orange based red)
- ASK013 Persimmon (red orange)
- ASK014 Aloe Vera (medium olive green)
- ASK015 Tribal Turquoise (very nice greenish blue turquoise)
- ASK016 Mediterranean Olive(very dark olive green, but not actually black)
- ASK017 Pink Lady's Slipper
As you see the names are more often poetic than practical, so I've tried to put more-descriptive versions of the colors afterwards.

from top left: 03 passionate pink, unknown (most likely 04 lilac ice or 06 lavender fields), 004 lilac ice, 05 violet nights, 07 bahia blue, 08 berry creamy, 09 carmel apple, 10 silver cinnamon, 012 scarlet dreams (2), 013 persimmon, 014 aloe vera (reduced), 015 tribal turquoise, 016 mediterranian olive, 017 pink lady's slipper.
This is not the greatest of pictures, having been shot on my studio floor, with a great many distracting window-reflections on the beads. But it at least gives an idea of how this stuff looks worked in the flame.
Missing colors:
- 006 lavender fields? (purple)
- 011 silver rattan (silver bearing, similar to opal yellow?)
- 018 desert chameleon (sandy brown)
- 019 moroccan swirl (tan/ivory)
- 020 mystic grey (can also be reduced? to brown)
Still to do: thread tests. Oh, the joy...
- ASK022 (a light pink)
- ASK03 Passionate Pink
- ASK004 Lilac Ice (pale lavender) 2 samples
- ASK005 Violet Night (dark blue-violet)[2]
- ASK006 Lavender Fields? (purple)
- ASK007 Bahia Blue (dark turquoise)
- ASK008 Berry Creamy (light lilac purple, similar to effetre 273)
- ASK009 Carmel Apple (Ag bearing; similar to boro caramel/butterscotch)
- ASK010 Silver Cinnamon(Ag bearing; medium brown)
- ASK011 Silver Rattan (silver bearing)
- ASK012 Scarlet Dreams (bright slightly orange based red)
- ASK013 Persimmon (red orange)
- ASK014 Aloe Vera (medium olive green)
- ASK015 Tribal Turquoise (very nice greenish blue turquoise)
- ASK016 Mediterranean Olive(very dark olive green, but not actually black)
- ASK017 Pink Lady's Slipper 2 samples
- ASK018 Desert Chameleon (sandy brown)
- ASK019 Moroccan Swirl (tan/ivory)
- ASK020 Mystic Grey (can also be reduced? to brown)
- ASK021 Lime Green [3]
file created 15nov06, sample strand added 26nov06, sample strand 2 photo (taken 23oct2007, by the way) added 19may2012, with list cut and pasted from above (checked against physical strand); additional minor corrections (spelling, footnotes) 20may12
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn