Though I evidently failed utterly to date when I made this sample strand, its oldest beads clearly date from the early 2000s,[1] fact some of the oldest beads documented on the site are abstracts. As it happens, this is a reprise, since I posted this same piece 3 years ago, more or less at the beginning of the pandemic, when it was really starting to sink in. (And now...most people have decided it's over, I guess.[2]

Assorted abstracts from (I'm guessing) the 90s—effetre, czech glass, thompson enamels, artist & commercial frits, gold and palladium leaf, largest approx 24mm (approx 1"); sony A7c, sony 90mm marco; f/6.3 & 8.0; 1/60s; 0 & -0.3 ev: two exposures combined & cropped in gimp
But I didn't discover that until after I'd not only taken the pix—not a big deal—but also edited this lot & created this page. Pffffft. Fine. It's getting reposted. I do note that I think while both sets of pix are nice, the sony has a more vivid colour range.

different styling of above; f/8.0, -0.3 ev, 1/60s ISO 50; sony A7c, sony 90mm macro; godox flash. Cropped and lightened in gimp
This page is sort of an intro, and like my approach to beadmaking (when I haven't been practising for awhile) I've backed up into something I've done before, to get a running start, as it were, into new material.

yet another styling; shot at f/6.3 -0.3 ev, 1/60s ISO 50; sony A7c, sony 90mm macro; godox flash. Cropped in gimp.
Next up: a reprise of a necklace featuring this sort of bead...
[1]i.e., I have photos dated 2000 and 2001 for beads of this style
[2]Our household hasn't really, and why yes, it's awkward to be lost in a moment when others have moved on. OTOH, we haven't yet contracted COVID19, so there's that: I s'pose when we do—if we don't get long covid—that will be our cue to move on, too.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn